OceanWorks SDAP API

API BASE URL: https://oceanxtremes.jpl.nasa.gov/

End Point Description Sample Call
/list Provides a list of available data sets https://oceanxtremes.jpl.nasa.gov/list
/timeSeriesSpark Computes time series statistics https://oceanxtremes.jpl.nasa.gov/timeSeriesSpark?ds=avhrr-l4-glob-v2-daily-ncei-ghrsst-sstblend-avhrr-oi-glob-v020-fv020&...
Parameter Required Sample Note
ds required one of shortName value as supplied by /list The dataset on which to generate the statistics
b required -60.0,10.0,-45.0,30.0 Bounding box Minimum (Western) Longitude, Minimum (Southern) Latitude, Maximum (Eastern) Longitude, Maximum (Northern) Latitude
startTime required 1453072400 Starting time in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ or seconds since EPOCH
endTime required 1463072400 Ending time in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ or seconds since EPOCH
seasonalFilter optional False Flag used to specify if the seasonal averages should be computed during Time Series computation
lowPassFilter optional False Flag used to specify if a low pass filter should be computed during Time Series computation
spark optional local,4,8 Configuration used to launch in the Spark cluster. Value should be 3 elements separated by commas. 1) Spark Master 2) Number of Spark Executors 3) Number of Spark Partitions. Only Number of Spark Partitions is used by this function.
output optional JSON Data formatting for results. Default is ‘JSON’. Alternative is ‘CSV’ for comma-seperated values


The output consist of json (or CSV if specified) resulting in several pieces of information. Click here for an example.